Just being bums!

10 August 2007

This week has been ridiculously long for me, especially with my ship being in it's summer maintenance period. Everything in my shop seems to be covered in dust from the Japanese contractors welding, grinding, and installing new bases for our new computer systems that are coming in. Evidently we are getting several upgrades that will improve the overall communications ability of our ship. Hooray for that, since some of this stuff is super out of date! haha...No cameras allowed in where I work or I'd show you....

I spent Thursday up at the very top of the forward mast of the ship painting with 2 of the guys I work with. That was actually a nice break from the boredom of being stuck in a windowless box all day. We got our safety harnesses on and went out early in the morning to start painting. Now the forward mast of this ship is....WAAAY up there! I took a few pictures with my cell phone's camera.

Yesterday after work our friends the Rush's came over and Shaun helped me get our bed's box spring up to our apartment on the fourth floor. We couldn't fit it up the stairs or into the elevator, and the only way the bed fit when the movers came last month was to smush the bed into the elevator. We had considered cutting the box spring in half sort of, but I wanted to try to lift it up with a rope to our balcony. Rush brought some spare rope he had and I tied the knots. We started lifting from our balcony and after about 10 feet one of the knots gave way and the rope smashed my left hand into our balcony. (It felt nice...really it did...) The other knot I tied however held and we continued to lift carefully! We finally got it to our balcony and were able to take off the sliding doors and get it into our apartment! Thank God for good friends, and the Rush's have been that to us!

=D Later we went out to town and ate some good Tex Mex at a place called Mikes. My left hand is better today a bit, still a bit sore from yesterday though.

Well that should be plenty for our first real post here!


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